Vivacious, theatrical and passionate, Leos are renowned for their loyalty, stability, and basking in their own glory. Dedicated friends and lovers, they are ambitious, determined, and celebrated for their bravery. Ruled by the Sun, Leos are confident, and classy... a divine expression of physical, mental, and emotional fortitude, they are compassionate and big hearted, and have a natural sense of self-assurance.
Blue Onyx Points
Blue Onyx Skull
Carnelian Hearts
From $120
Carnelian Hearts
Carnelian Hearts
Carnelian Skull
Carnelian Tower
Carnelian Tower
Carnelian Tower
Carnelian Tower
Carnelian Tower
Carnelian Tower
Citrine Points
Citrine Skull
Citrine Tower
Clear Quartz Cluster
Clear Quartz Roughs
From $15
Clear Quartz Skull
Clear Quartz Towers
From $100
Clear Quartz Tumbled Stone
From $4
Labradorite Freeform
Labradorite Hearts
From $20
Labradorite Hearts
From $120
Labradorite Tower
Ocean Jasper Cluster Tower
Ocean Jasper Skull
Ocean Jasper Skull