How to get the best out of your Crystals
Crystals act on an energetic level, and can pick up negative energy or energy that doesn’t serve its new owner. Cleansing and charging your crystals clears any negativity, and restores their natural energy, so they are ready to serve your intention. There are several ways you can reset the energy of your crystal. Here are a few of our favourites.

Reset Your Crystal Energy
Cleanse your Crystals
When should you cleanse? Ideally, you should cleanse your crystals on a regular basis, say around once a month, but when you bring them home it is a must. Once you’re in tune with it, you’ll be able to feel when it's energy is a bit dull – just follow your intuition. When it’s been cleansed it should feel energetically brighter.
Smoke: Smudge with Palo Santo or Sage. Light the stick and gently wave smoke around the crystal, ensuring it is enveloped in the smoke for thirty seconds or more.
Running Water or Saltwater: Hold under running water or submerge in saltwater for one minute, but first check your crystal is safe in water. General rule is not to wet porous or brittle crystals or any that end in ‘ite’.
Sunlight: Place your stone to bathe in the sunlight, and if you are able, place directly on the earth to increase cleansing benefits. Leave in sunlight no more than fifteen minutes, as prolonged exposure to may weather the crystal’s surface.
Crystals Cleansing Crystals: Some crystals such as Selenite, Citrine, Clear Quartz and Carnelian, have the ability to cleanse other crystals. Just keep them nearby and charged (more on that in Charge your Crystals).
Bury in the Earth: Fantastic for bringing the crystal’s energy back to its natural state, just leave them as long as you feel is needed…and remember where you buried them. A pot plant is okay too, if it makes this easier!
Sound Bath: Sound vibrations made with a variety of instruments, such as a tuning fork, singing bowl, bell, chime, or your own voice chanting a prayer or mantra, or even your favourite music, can cleanse a crystal. Simply allow the sound to wash over the crystals.
With any of these methods, we suggest holding it to your heart and repeating “I cleanse you of all negative energy and fill you with love and light” three times. Don’t be shy.
Reinvigorate the Energy of your Crystal – Unleashing the Good Vibes to you
Charge your Crystals
The elements of nature that are considered grounding, such as natural light, earth/soil and water, are the best ways to boost and replenish your crystal’s energy. Charging them regularly is important as it will help them give off the best energy possible, and can even increase the intensity of any intention placed on the stone (See Connect & Program).
Moonlight: Place your crystals outside or on the windowsill in the moonlight, ideally in direct full moon light. Easy as that. The moon light only transmits good energy, never bad. This is our absolute favourite way to charge. Try to make sure that they are brought in before the morning dew, as this can affect those that are damaged by water.
Sunlight: Place your crystals to bathe in the sunlight, but be mindful of how long you leave them, as the direct sun can weather the appearance.
Soil: Burying your crystals in the earth is another beautiful, if not slightly messier, way to charge them. Just remember where you buried them. Leave them as long as you feel is required. Around 24 hours is ideal.

Setting an Intention for your Crystal
Connect & Program your Crystals
Well, this is the reason they came into your life. Or perhaps you just think they are beautiful, but why not give this a shot anyway…if you are open, who knows what could happen.
Take some deep breaths and clear your mind. Hold your crystal and observe the feel, look and energy. Think of the intent with which you bought or were given the stones. Know that the energies you need will come to you.
Reflect on a specific purpose or intention for your crystal. Think about what you would like your crystal to support you with. Hold in your left hand, close your eyes and visualise and feel what fulfilling that intention will be like. If you like, to seal the purpose, say aloud what you dedicate the crystal to be for. Journaling is another great way to be really clear on its purpose.